Andrew Maxwell

Feeling Naked and Broadcast Warnings: Warning Messaging on your Phone

December 16, 2010

Do you feel naked when you forget your phone?

Currently broadcast warnings come through radio and TV, and this is helpful in case of an emergency, but I believe that we should start including text messages as a modern warning method.

Reasons why broadcast warnings should include text messaging:

Would you want to receive broadcast warnings on your phone?

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2 Comments on “Feeling Naked and Broadcast Warnings: Warning Messaging on your Phone”

  1. Stephen Dickson

    We use text here already. We’re trying to get the local council and the regional council to get onto using social media.

    It makes it to easy. Home on the computer if the weather is bad have a twitter window open. Away with the mobile and check in through the twitter app. In fact it might be the best use there is for twitter. Or bulk emails to anyone on a list and they can forward it to who ever they want.

    Good article Andrew.

  2. Andrew

    Portland offers social media through Twitter as well and it is a great way to find out information on a larger scale. I’m glad to see other places picking it up as well.

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