This has been a wonderful year for me, and I wanted to give you all a holiday gift. Since you liked the first 100 uses, here is 100 new Evernote uses for you to enjoy.
- Take photos of your kids once a month keeping track of their weight and height and see them grow up before your eyes
- Take a photo with geo-location of your parking spot using your phone to quickly find it again with GPS
- Make a list of tricks that you want to teach your dog and mark them off as your complete them
- Keep track of your kids grades every year that they are in school
- Store your lottery numbers for the day in Evernote and keep your lottery card/ticket in a safe place
- Store all of your played lottery numbers and see how close you got to winning, or if you won
- Keep server commands that you use all of the time, this cuts down on wasted time if something goes wrong
- List all of the duties you preform at your job and update the list every time you start a new type of duty, this helps when updating your resume
- List ideas on how to save time at the workplace. Try to implement one a month
- Save paper and make a quick note in evernote instead of a yellow sticky note
- Save your favorite tweets by people
- Save text messages
- Export your chat logs from your Instant message client
- Upload PDF books so that you can read them on the go or share them with friends and family
- Save emails from a client into their own tag so that you can find all of the information in one spot
- Take screenshots of the documents and files that are saved on a CD or DVD, then label that CD/DVD accordingly so that finding the file you want on archived media is not such a pain
- Write down the mileage and date that you got your car worked on. This will help let you know when you NEED to get major work done
- Keep a list of all of your chinese fortune cookie fortunes so that you can look back and see the great fortunes that you have come across
- Keep track of your locker or padlock combination. Take a photo of the lock so that you know you are entering the code into the right lock
- Use Evernote during a conference call and once the call is over you can add check boxes to the items that need to be turned into tasks. If you work on a team you can make this note sharable so that others can contribute to the tasks as well
- Use Dial2Do and make notes on the go
- If you run a business, store submitted resumes so that when you need a new employee for a specific task you can do a quick search and get all matching applicants
- Save error messages that come up on your websites so that when you come across the resolution for it, you can fix it. If you see the error again you can do a quick search in your notes and then you already know how to fix it
- Take photos of a product that you or your loved one wants so that when you go to the store you can show the sales clerk exactly what you want to buy, without having to bring in the catalog with you.
- Make a list of all of the email addresses that you use for your business, this comes in handy if your a web developer and you have to have a email address for each web based service. ie. Google, Live, Yahoo etc.
- Make a note and add a screenshot when your website analytics takes off, that way once you find out why it took off you will know why
- Keep track of invoice numbers and amount and the day they were sent and then you will be able to keep track if it was paid or not (This is used only for companies on a budget) Quickbooks or similar is a better option
- inspiration on the go – take photos of items, sculptures, statues, building and gardens which inspires you, this allows you to geo tag your inspiration
- keep legal documents and mail when you are dealing with a legal case
- Keep track of all dates from a legal case
- keep track of all equipment for your computer
- keep track of your animals clothing size: used for smaller animals that get cold easily
- save images and details of rings when your looking for an engagement/wedding ring
- keep track of paint colors that you would like to use for your house when repainting
- keep track of the types of supplies that you buy for your art supplies, that way when something runs out you know what to get
- keep track of measurements when building shelves in a closet
- when running into a task repeatidely, write down a how to guide so that the next time you need to complete that task you will know exactly what to do
- share a notebook with a client so that you two can work hand and hand during the production process. They can add notes and images which may help. (used fo web designers)
- Scan every birthday and greeting card to be able to keep it in your memory without taking up space
- Scan in checks from your client and the envelope that it came in with and make a note about the date that it came in. This makes is easier to have the information about a check ready at hand for taxes or when your client asks if you ever received a check.
- Create a notebook called “Happy” and store anything that makes you happy, this can be video, audio, nice things people say etc
- Personal Diary
- Keep track of your student loans, the payments you make and the amount remaining
- Keep track of your credit score and items that have made your credit score increase or decrease
- If your watching a TV series, keep track of the episodes you’ve watched and what episode is next (get episode list from tv.com)
- Keep track of the track you are on when listening to an audio book
- Keep track and take notes on podcasts that you listen to or watch
- Email maps from Google Maps into Evernote for locations that you may visit often
- If you are working on a new product, whether it be a new book, food, software etc. Look for catchy product descriptions for any other kind of product and re-purpose it for your product. Example: “The fastest way to learn a language guaranteed” can be turned into “The fastest way to increase power and speed guaranteed”. (4 hour work week book)
- When designing a new product like a website or soda can, grab screen shots and images from the Internet or by using your camera and store them into Evernote so that you can use them as inspiration when designing your new/similar products.
- When designing a website, store pieces of other websites that you like, for example the login screen, the footer, the main menu etc. This will save hours trying to come up with something new when you already know what you like.
- Keep a list of keywords used when advertising, when you started the ads, how much you made on those ads in 30 days
- Scan hand written notes that you’re writing for a book and use that as a reference when you’re typing up you pages
- Keep track of questions that people ask regarding a product, enhance them inside Evernote once you get done, add to the Frequently asked questions to your website.
- When writing a paper or a book keep track of your reference material so that you can easily add those notes when you actually need them at the end of your writing.
- Keep your parking and speeding tickets in Evernote so that you can reference and see when you actually speed last and keep track as a driving lesson.
- Keep your shoe size with the brand so that next time you go to the store you don’t have to try on all different shoe sizes.
- Keep track of your pet’s vet history so that you can easily find out what your pet has done at the vets and when their next appointment should be (this is for vaccines).
- Keep track of your weight once a month or once a year and you see how you maintain your weight throughout your life.
- Keep track of all the movies, video games and consoles that you have in your house in case you had a fire, you’ll be able to see what items you are missing.
- When building a 3D model keep track of what model has which features and the date that you created it. This allows you to keep track of the details as you progress through the model.
- When studying for a history test, keep track of individual notes and history dates and then mix it up in Evernote so each date is on a single note. Go back and actually reference it quickly and mentally on your phone while on the go.
- When writing a movie or TV script keep track of character backgrounds and biography. This makes it easy to look back on the character throughout the time that you’re writing the script.
- When creating a movie or TV script, keep track of any notes, sketches or ideas into Evernote. This helps when trying to flush out a script.
- Automatically have RSS feeds post into your Evernote when using http://www.feedmyinbox.com/
- Auto forward all receipts that go to your Email into Evernote, one company at a time.
- Save your bed sizes so that when you go shopping you get the correct bed sheets and blankets
- Save your pillow dimensions, this will make sure that you don’t get a pillow case that is 6″ too short or too long
- Export your bookmarked artists and songs from Pandora into Evernote so that the next time you go music shopping you will know what you want to get
- Take a screenshot of your iPhone apps in case you get a new phone or if your backup fails
- Save your luggage dimensions, this will help you choose the right luggage for the right plane company
- Save your plane ticket information along with some tourist places that you could visit for food and recreation the next time you go out of town
- Keep a list of the type of computers and what OS’es your family members have so that when it comes time for you to fix them you won’t have to ask as many questions that they might not know
- Save your camera model numbers to help when buying accessories
- Save your netbook model, dimensions and specs so that you can find accessories easier
- Keep track of features that you don’t like about a specific product ie, laptop, tv, clothing etc so that the next time you go shopping for something similar you know what NOT to get
- Save simple questions that you would like to ask about when looking for a new apartment or home, ie water bill, electricity bill, bug problems, how are the windows in the winter
- Save information about your neighbors and friends, like favorite foods, hobbys etc and this makes finding gifts or making plans that much easier
- Share a notebook of items that your assistant can do the next time they come into work.
- Keep a list of delegated items and tasks. This helps to ensure that your projects get completed if you are in upper management.
- Keep a list of tasks and projects you are working on. Just to help keep you organize when you’re multitasking.
- While learning a new language save an audio clipping of how to pronounce the word and actually write the verbal way of how you can actually say it next to it for each note. This will allow you to actually learn a language and reference information as quickly as possible.
- Make a list of who’s naughty or nice (Santa?)
- Take pictures of presents that you got for Christmas
- Keep track of TV shows and cartoons that you watched as a kid
- Make a list of books that you remember as a kid to read them to your children
- Keep track of books that you want to read or listen to
- Keep instruction manuals as PDF’s so that you can search through the text if you need help with something
- Keep track of any allergies that your loved ones may have
- Make a checklist of chores that you need to complete around the house
- Keep track of steps needed to Root and install new ROM’s on your Android phone
- Save any posts from Google Buzz that you find interesting
- Save a list of writers that you find inspirational
- Keep a checklist of ways to save electricity in your house and check them off when you have accomplished each one.
- Take screenshots of issues on your computer or phone and save them so that you can either fix or report the issue.
- Take photos of products that you use round the home so that when you go shopping you can get the right replacement product
- Save cable channel listings so that you know what broadcasting station is on what channel
- Keep track of dinner reservations so that you know what time and where you are having dinner
- Save Groupon coupons so that you don’t forget to use them.
- Save This List!
If you missed my previous post, be sure to check out the first 100 Different Evernote Uses.
Have a Merry Christmas, a Wonderful Hanukkah and a Happy New Year!
December 22nd, 2010 at 7:44 pm
Great list. I love Evernote and am always looking for new ways to use it.
There is a typo I number 80. ;)
May 17th, 2011 at 9:07 pm
Thanks Andrew.. #1 is a good idea!!
July 11th, 2012 at 8:49 am
12. Save text messages
Great idea … but How?
July 11th, 2012 at 8:51 am
You can do it a few ways depending on your phone. If you are using an Android, you can use a app like Go SMS where you can save your text messages, you can then get a xml file which you can email to Evernote. Or you can do it one by one by copying the text message into an email and emailing it into your Evernote Email address, or you can copy and paste the text into a new note on your Evernote mobile app.