Do you like photos? So do I.
Over the past year I have really started to use Picasa Web more often and I would like to use it even more, so I have come up with a list of features that I would like to see on Picasa Web, which would greatly improve its use for me and for others.
Features That I Want:
- Sorting albums by name – Sorting my date is alright, but I name my albums appropriately and so I have to use CTRL+F just to find the album I want
- Sub albums – would be awesome because I could store all of my Christmas photos in a single album and then sort them by year in the sub albums
- Tag Manager – We need an easy way to manage and view tags in our accounts (a tags tab would be nice)
- Search My Albums First – The search in Picasa web should search our albums first and public as a second option or just make two search buttons like in Buzz
- Album Cover Art – Being able to create album cover art, maybe by typing a name or something (this could be done with PicNik, but seamless integration would key here)
- Drag and Drop Images – The ability to upload by dragging an image into the browser and dropping it into the album that you want
- Larger Upload Limit – The ability to upload more than 5 photos at a time
- Album Art Selection – The ability to choose which portion of an image should be use as the album art cover
- Upload from URL – The ability to upload images to a album from a URL, exactly like what PicNik has
- Settings – More control panel settings for things like; default sharing method for “Link to this photo” (a jpg, full size or thumbnail), thumbnail size for albums
- Slideshow – A way to get to slideshow when viewing a single photo instead of accessing the slideshow from the album view
- Suggested Tags – Suggested tags based on what you type (basically auto fill)
- Advanced People Editor – A way to change the thumbnail used for “People” (some how the one for my fiancee is showing a broken image and I can’t change it)
- Upload via Zip file – Bulk upload photos using a .zip file
- Hide the Right Column – I way to minimize the right column on the albums view like I can once I am inside an album
- PicNik integration – A way to edit a photo in PicNik and save it to Picasa and actually be able to view the final photo in Picasa (starting from PicNik, so this may be a PicNik request)
- A Working Desktop Client – A desktop client that has a seamless integration with Picasa Web, right now they are two different services that work together, but are not seamless. I don’t want to download an album just to add tags or people from the desktop client
- Cross Pollination with Google Buzz – If a photo is uploaded to Google Buzz, I would love a link from the photo on Picasa to the Buzz post with the image
- Picasa on Profiles – Better integration with Google Profiles. I would love a Picasa or Photos tab and slideshow. This would be useful for photographers to want to show off their work on Google Profile
- Friends Live Stream – A live stream of all of the friends that I follow and the date that the photos were posted and shared
- Global Live Stream – A live stream of ALL photos shared on Google Picasa
- Larger Single File Image Upload Limit – With camera’s having larger maga-pixel sizes we need larger single file size support, more than 20MB’s
- Creative Commons – Easier way to add creative commons to a group of photos or album
- Panaramio fully integrated – Integrate Panaramio into Picasa Web more, make it widely known that Google owns both services (turn it into one service)
- Number of Photos – An easy way to view how many photos I have uploaded to my account
- Groups – Add groups so that people can join and share photos related to a specific topic.
- Drop down Menu – Setup photo reuse drop down instead of check boxes
- Google Buzz for Comments – Replace comments in Picasa Web with Google Buzz posts, that way comments can move up and down stream from Picasa to Buzz
- Photo Stats – Stats on which photo was viewed at what time and from where (picsaa web, buzz, embed etc.)
- Photo Store – A way to put a photo up for sale and use Google checkout as the payment option (this is a stretch, but it would be nice)
- Pro Features – Picasa already has pro features compared to Flickr, now it’s time to show them off, add in Pro features for paying users
- Re-ordering of Right Column – Allow drag and drop capabilities to the right column on single photo view. I would prefer my tags to be first while editing tags and people
- Saved Views – Allow for different views for editing photos and for viewing photos
- Picasa Labs – Add in a labs feature section like on Gmail to test new features that users might find useful (Great way for Googlers to create Picasa features on their 20%)
- Picasa Moderator – Add a moderator forum for feature suggestions
- Following Made Simple – Make following people easier and a larger part of the site
- Opened Tabs – When viewing someones profile and it adds a tab to the window, keep the tab open until you click on a ‘x’ to close the tab, great way to compare similar photos for things like daily shoot
- Comment While Full Screen – When viewing someones photo at full screen, it would be nice to leave a comment on the photo while still in full screem instead of having to jump back to find the photo in the album (some people have hundreds of photos in an album)
- Title – Add title attributes to the images
Would you want any of these features? If you have any ideas please leave a comment so that others can see them too.
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