We all love good alarm clock apps on our phones, especially ones that can be configured easily. Well I found the perfect one for you, It is called “Alarm Clock Xtreme“. This clock is a breeze to setup. As soon as you launch the app you will see that there are only two buttons; “Add alarm” and “Settings”. If you just want to get the app and go, you can quickly add an alarm and be done with it. For those of you that want more control or to wake up to your favorite song, artist or playlist, then you’re in luck.
Wake up to your favorite song, artist or playlist:
In the settings you can choose a sound type for the alarm from 5 different settings: Ringtone, Music(single track), Random Songs by Artist, Random Songs by Playlist and Silent.
Special relaxation alarm:
If you want a special alarm which is more soothing, then here is the cheap tip. After you download and install Alarm Clock Xtreme go to Amazon MP3 and look for “the 99“. The search results for “the 99“ will bring back a long list of soothing music for around $1.99 to $7.99 USD. This gives you 99 different songs to choose from. So, the next time you wake up in the morning, you can be woken up by a soothing song rather than a noisy alarm.
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