- Take a photo of your contacts measurements and save them to your personal notebook. Makes ordering your next pair easier.
- Take a photo of the page you are reading in a book and use @evernote to make your notes, keeping your book pages clean
- keep your web bookmarks in Evernote, then add screenshots to help kick start your memory when looking for a useful website.
- Write down coupon codes into a note and continue to add to them when you find them, this makes saving money a lot easier
- Make a list of movies that you want to watch on a relaxful weekend with your loved one(s)
- Save your blood type in a note which would come in handy if you get hurt or need to know.
- Write down your printer’s ink numbers, this comes in handy when you find a great sale on some printer ink. or when your out
- Save locations that you would ride your BMX bike/skateboard and share them with other riders/skaters.
- BMX – Keep a list of tricks that you want to perform in a certain location, this feature is useful esp. for iPhone users.
- Keep track of your loved one(s) clothing sizes.
- Keep a note dedicated to ideas that you want to write about on twitter, facebook or your blog
- Keep your receipts in a notebook which will help be organizes when Tax season comes around.
- Take photos of all of your napkin sketches and put them into individual notes, this helps for getting inspired later on.
- Keep snippets of code in a “Code” notebook for easy use of it later on.
- Save old copy from your website into a note for later use, so many times I wish I had a backup years down the road.
- Take screenshots of websites and other things that inspire you and save them into notes, one item per note.
- Use snagit to take video shots of websites/animations that inspire you, save them as .mov and add them to evernote
- If you are visiting family and they give you a file/photos, add it to Evernote for easy retrieval when you get home
- Keep track of presents that your friends and family want. This helps from being stuck as the last minute shopper.
- Save text that you often write in emails into a note so that things are consistent when sending emails to clients
- Take a photo and add some notes for a new drink or food that you found and like.
- Take photos or scan your kids artwork, that way you don’t have to lug around years of art but you will still have it.
- Keep track of which friend or family member borrows something. This saves the date they borrowed it.
- Save recipes that sound good as you come across them.
- Save prices, photos and text of parts that you want to buy for your car, bike or other vehicle(s).
- Take photos of your cars License and VIN numbers.
- Tale photos of your cars tire size and pressure and use the info when getting new tires.
- Save ideas and concepts which can help when writing a script.
- Scan/save your computer specs, this helps when buying new computer parts.
- Record audio notes for quick on the go ideas.
- Save video game high scores can keep track of your own progress and skills.
- Save the list of prescriptions that you are taking and the purpose each one serves.
- Write down the dimensions for each room in your house.
- Save a list of what light bulb sizes are needed for each room and for what object.
- Save photos, text and prices of items that you would like to have in your house.
- Take pictures or each page in your notebook just in case you happen to spill something on it, your notes will be save.
- Take pictures of interesting locations you come across so that you can find out more about it once get home.
- Keep a note of the nice things people say about you and who said it, this comes in handy when your feeling depressed.
- Keep a note of images, text and links to videos that make you laugh and smile.
- Make a list of names that you come across that you would like to name your kid.
- Keep a list of programs that you’ve install on your computer in case you need to re-format your computer.
- Write down ideas for things that you would like to include in your next website design.
- Scan or take a photo of every business card you get and store them in a separate notebook to quickly find a contact.
- Save website wireframe sketches, these can be re-used for other projects.
- Make a list of items that you work on each day. This will come in handy when a client asks when you worked on something.
- Save the brand and flavor of food that your animal eats. You don’t want to get them the wrong kind.
- Scan TO-GO menus so that you can have all of them with you where ever you are.
- Save photos of Tattoo’s that you like to help narrow down the tattoo you want to get.
- Sync up your Twitter account with Evernote and send @myen any twitter posts that you like.
- Create a folder for Evernote to watch and every time you put a document into that folder it will be automatically added.
- Take photos of concert or event tickets and then later on you can look back, similar to a scrap book.
- Keep notes containing keyboard shortcuts to your favorite programs.
- Save copy or links to articles that you would like to come back to and finish reading.
- Make a note for each project idea that you have, and then you will have one place to consistently come back to and update.
- Keep track of which shoe size goes with which brand of shoes.
- Keep track of which pant size goes with which brand.
- Make a list of songs that you come across while on the go and purchase those songs once you get home.
- Make note of things that make you relaxed and use them to consistently enjoy your life.
- Make a PDF version of your business license, this comes in handy when you fill out business paperwork.
- Make a list of all of your girlfriends family members names. Use this list to study them before your next big visit.
- Take a photo of the type of treats that your dog likes.
- Keep a note that has ways to save energy in the home and share it with friends and family.
- Keep track of the steps it takes to complete tasks on a clients website.
- Keep track of locations that you have hiked and the time it took to complete. Add photos if possible.
- Make a check list of the steps needed to successfully complete a website.
- Send important emails to your custom Evernote email address.
- Keep the items you see as “Do’s and Don’ts” and follow them whenever you can.
- Make a list of goals, and slowly one by one complete them.
- Make a list of items in the house that uses batteries and the type they use so that next time you get the right ones.
- Have a list ready available of the different resolutions that your website is often viewed at.
- Make a note of your serial numbers or registration keys for your software.
- Make a list of important events in your relationship, and then look back upon those events at a later date.
- Use the events found in my previous topic when writing a loved one a poem, or letter.
- Save the name of a restaurant you just ate at if they have good food.
- Keep and share the family grocery list.
- Keep photos of all of your watches (used for Watch Collectors)
- Keep a spare note for random notes
- Keep a PDF document in a note, then use the note to make comments regarding the attached PDF document.
- Make a list restaurants near your house and then try them out one by one, marking them off as you go.
- Keep wood working plans and share the note with your team, making everyone aware of the progress.
- Create a website project note that you share with the team, and everyone updates the note with any new information.
- Make separate tags for each client, and assign any client related notes to that tag.
- If you keep inspirational images in your evernote, create tags for the 12 main colors.
- Create a tag for person in your immediate family, and save related notes to their tag, like medical, gifts etc.
- Create a list of your kids school supplies, and make sure that they have some for school and some for home use.
- Save your childrens teachers name.
- Get into a car accident? Take photos of the damage of both cars, both insurance cards and license and VIN numbers.
- Sort all of your misc. items into boxes, then take photos of the items. This helps find the item(s) your looking for.
- Take photos of the wiring setup on your media center so that if you move anything, you will know where it goes.
- Grab and write down slogans that you like when working on creating your own.
- Scan and save warranty information when you buy something, make sure to write down the expiration date.
- Scan documents to PDF that you think you may need at some point, then shred the un-needed paper version.
- Take photos of all valuable items in your house when you get them then save each to a note with the price and receipt.
- Save your loved ones favorite flower, take a photo if you need to.
- Take photos of all of your video games, and use evernote as your running catalog.
- Scan documents that your doctor gave you for exercises when going to physical therapy.
- Save newspaper articles of important events to share with your kids.
- Web designers should look back periodically at website you built and make notes of things you would change now.
- Keep track of symptoms when you are getting sick.
- Make a list of dreams that you had, what they are about and the day you had it. See if you start to see a pattern.
This blog post was Featured on Evernote’s blog and podcast
December 5th, 2010 at 9:50 pm
I’m such a klutz that I still have 100’s of post-it notes stuck all over my workstation. What a mess and I certainly can’t find the information i’m looking for when I need it.
December 6th, 2010 at 8:12 pm
It’s ok, I still make notes on paper, but the great thing about Evernote is that I can scan in those notes and they then become searchable.
March 25th, 2011 at 3:01 am
Bookmarked and scanned – Love lists, Just installed evernote on my macbook, and iphone. Thanks
April 11th, 2011 at 6:37 am
Nice post about the use. Most interesting for Evernote power use is the Evernote Essentials eBook. Have a look here: http://goo.gl/AUb8b (affiliate link)
April 26th, 2011 at 12:29 am
nice post ,thank you for your sharing , i’ll wait for your next blog.
May 26th, 2011 at 11:30 am
Great Blog. I am brand new to Evernote. I am a pastor and so I copy and file a lot of material from books to use for sermon research material later on. Is there a way that I can scan pages 1-7 of a book. And have those seven pages remain together like they would be if I hard copied them and stapled them and dropped them in a manilla folder? Thanks for your help!
May 26th, 2011 at 11:48 am
There is a few ways that you can do this.
1. Scan all 7 pages into a single file, 7 page PDF and save that file into Evernote
2. Scan each page as it’s own file, save each file to its own note, and then you can merge the 7 notes together using the desktop client
3. Create a single note in Evernote and add each of the 7 scanned pages to that one note.
I hope that helps, let me know if you need any more help.
June 23rd, 2011 at 1:29 pm
Muy buen artículo. Enhorabuena por publicar contenido como estos en tu página
July 11th, 2011 at 3:25 pm
Great blog! Keep the good stuff coming!
October 29th, 2011 at 3:39 pm
Evernote is such a useful program. Thanks for the ideas!
December 12th, 2011 at 10:45 pm
You certainly have a lot of great ideas about how we can maximize the use of Evernote. I’ve been using this application along with Snap-A-Note for quite some time now, and all I can say is that these apps made it possible for me to keep my work organized. Keep on posting!