I have already written about Google Buzz a lot so I will keep this post simple and just create a easy to read list. (Note, many of these ideas already exist on Google Buzz, they are just buried or available using other Google products)
- Bringing following and follower count front and center, as well as last 5 most recent followers. (Right now this is just a link, but it would be nice if there was a section dedicated to this like on the new Twitter)
- Add a link to edit our Google Profile. (Apparently all profiles on Google will start using information from the Google Profiles, so this will be added. I found out about this from Google Picasa)
- Allow users to create lists of users so that we don’t miss posts from people we care about. (Right now I have to use Google Reader to do this)
- Have a link to show all posts that I have created (we have this on Mobile, but not the desktop)
- A link to show all posts that I favorite/like. (we can do this with quick links, but it needs to be easier to do)
- Allow us to save favorite searches (we can do this with quick links, but we need a way to easily save them)
- A link to show all posts of mine that have been re-shared and by whom.
- Show trending topics (or include a updated feed of new posts from users which update every X seconds/minutes)
- Add suggested followers for users who is already following a bunch of people (I never get suggested people to follow)
- Link to a Buzz only blog.
- Link to the Buzz help forum
- Link to the Buzz moderator forum
- Link to Picasa where I can see all of my shared photos from Buzz.
- Link to YouTube where I can see all of my shared videos from Buzz.
- A Link to Buzz Settings. Going into Gmail settings is an extra step that isn’t really needed. (Buzz settings should be on Google Profiles)
- A link to Buzz only hotkeys.
- Basically remove the mix/mash of Gmail of Buzz
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