Andrew Maxwell

Maxwell Weekly 7: #16

September 22, 2016
  1. Relationships (blog): Science says lasting relationships come down to 2 basic traits
    • An insight into what make great long lasting relationships truly last.
  2. Machine Learning (blog): Using machine learning to predict how nanoparticles will react in the human body
    • Scientists have always been interested in large data sets and trying to solve problems, now they are combing the two with machine learning.
  3. Drifting (video): [HOONIGAN] Ken Block’s GYMKHANA NINE: Raw Industrial Playground
    • A drifter playing around in a Raw Industrial Playground, nearly falling off a pier
  4. Development (blog): Template Literals are Strictly Better Strings
    • One JavaScript engineers opinion to using string literals from ES6 for all string combinations.
  5. Robots (video): The CEO of Boston Dynamics explains each robot in the fleet
    • An inside look into the different robots and their functions from Boston Dynamics
  6. Development (blog): Stop More Bugs with our Code Review Checklist
    • Things to look for when doing a code review.
  7. Humor (video) Malaysian diver does a tremendous belly flop for the ages
    • Not much else I can say. This guy is a great diver but has a bad day during the Olympics

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