A few months ago on 11/1/10 while at the bank I spoke with a banker who loves to come up with script ideas, and this got me to thinking about all of the script ideas that I have written over the years. I have a few dozen scripts started and I realized that all of these ideas were everywhere and until now I haven’t had a place to bring them all together.
During the conversation at the Bank I realized that Evernote would be the perfect tool for coming up with a script idea (aka screenplay).
Not only can you use Evernote to store portions of stories or sections of a movie that you think are perfect for you script, but you can clip images of actors and people that you think be describes your characters. You can also store names for the characters that you find online. Any notes that you write by hand can be easily scanned in or photographed to become searchable.
An added bonus is that if you create a new notebook for each script that you write, you can then share the script ideas with a friend or colleague and you two can collaborate together and flush out the script even further.
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